WNTN’s diverse format informs and entertains with both an English and multi-cultural program schedule.
New England and Boston have been welcoming hosts to millions of immigrants from across the globe since 1630. They came to America with the dram of freedom and a better life for their families. WNTN 1550 AM celebrates the diversity of our region by offering multi-lingual programming to each of our unique and different neighborhoods. Please join us for programs covering history, music, sports, and a variety of topics both local and global.
The Armenian community has been present in the Boston area since the early 20th century. Estimates today suggest that there are 25,000 to 70,000 people of Armenian descent in the greater Boston area with a major concentration in Watertown and Worcester.
Greeks began immigrating to the US mainly in two waves, from the 1890’s to 1930’s and another wave after the Second World War. Today the Greek Community in the New England area is over 250,000. 1.2% of people in Massachusetts claim Greek ancestry. Please visit our Grecian Echoes website.
The Haitian community in the Boston area has been around since the 1950’s and 60’s. Haitians are part of the 1.8% of people in Massachusetts claiming West Indian heritage with upwards of 41,000 Haitians mostly concentrated in Mattapan, Roxbury, Dorchester and Hyde Park.
The Irish began immigrating to the Boston area in the 19th century and today they are the largest single ethnic group, becoming an intrinsic part of the social fabric of our wonderful city and state. Upwards of 22.8% of people in Massachusetts claim Irish ancestry.
The Italian community is one of the largest and longest standing communities in Boston and Massachusetts. From it’s origins in the later 19th century the Italian community has played an important role in shaping Boston’s history in areas like the historic North End. 13.9% of people in Massachusetts today claim Italian ancestry.
The Lebanese community in the Boston area brings their unique Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine and culture to the bay state. The Lebanese community is part of the 1.1% of people in Massachusetts claiming Arab ancestry.
Specialty Programs